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RailsConf 2011 - Day 2

Today is really the first day of the conference, yesterday was the tutorial day for which you had to pay extra. So I wonder how much more crowded it will be. The tutorials where great this year. In the evening the second Ignite Rails was held and was just awesome. All the talks just rocked! After Ignite, Engineyard invited everyone to an open tap at Max’s Taphouse. Not everyone will function at full capacity today.Don’t miss today’s livestreamd keynote by David Heinemeier Hansson starting at 9:15am Baltimore time.There will be ton’s of great sessions. I’ll update this blog entry with the information I gather as the day goes along.I’m looking forward tonight’s BOF:


Keynote: the ASSET PIPELINE and our POST-MODERN, HYBRID, Javascript FUTURE:

Peter Cooper did a great job covering the Keynote on the rubyinside website.

All the slides from today (via Joel Oliveira)

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