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Screencast: Testing Flex Apps with Cucumber - Take 2

I was not really happy with last week's screencast I did on testing Flex with Cucumber. Effectively doing screencast is not an easy endeavor and trying to it myself is making me appreciate all the other screencast I watch so much more. So last week I just wasn't comfortable while I recorded it, not sure why, but I thought I should try to capture it again. And the second time around I felt better, maybe I should alway take two takes (or even more :-). So here is the new one...

Screencast: Testing Flex Apps with Cucumber - Take 2 from daniel wanja.
To run this code you need to have all the gems installed. So config your Rails to run Cucumber with FunFx (in config/environments/test.rb): config.gem "rspec", :lib => false, :version => ">= 1.2.7" config.gem "rspec-rails", :lib => false, :version => ">= 1.2.7" config.gem "webrat", :lib => false, :version => ">= 0.4.4" config.gem "cucumber", :lib => false config.gem "funfx" config.gem "safariwatir" Config Cucumber to have @flex available (in features/support/env.rb) require 'funfx' require 'funfx/browser/safariwatir' browser = Watir::Safari.new browser.goto("http://localhost:3000") Before do @flex = browser.flex_app('flashContent', 'flashContent') end at_exit do browser.close end In the same file disable transactional fixtures Cucumber::Rails.use_transactional_fixtures Ensure that your Flex application is compiled with the funfx library and the automation library linked in. ../../lib/funfx-0.2.2.swc ../../lib/automation.swc ../../lib/automation_agent.swc ../../lib/automation_dmv.swc ../../lib/automation_agent_rb.swc

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