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Download RailsConf 2007 Presentations

Updated: Now more bloated!

Run this to get the RailsConf 2007 presentations: #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'hpricot' require 'open-uri' base = 'http://www.web2expo.com' h = Hpricot(open("#{base}/pub/w/51/presentations.html")) h.search('div .presentation > a[@href^="/presentations/rails2007/"]').each do |a| url = "#{base}#{a[:href]}" if File.exists?(File.basename(url)) puts "skipping #{url}... already downloaded" else puts "downloading #{url}..." `wget --quiet #{url}` end end I might clean it up more later to name the files better and not use wget, but this was quick and easy... not to mention a way to use everyone's favorite parsing tool: Hpricot.
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