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RailsConf 2007 - Day 4

The Rails Way Jamis Buck, Michael Koziarski

See the http://therailsway.com/

#railsway on irc.freenode.net for questions at the end of the presentation.

class TheRailsWay < BLog
authored_by :jamis
authored_by :koz

Instead of teaching you how to build things in Rails, Jamis and Koz will show us they things should be built.

attr_read :current_organization.
helper_method :current_organization.

class Expense < ActiveRecord::Base
before_create :mate_created_now_if_created_today

protected def mate_created_now_if_created_today if self.created_at Time.now.beginning_of_day

self.create_at = Time.now

john.documents #use this Document.find_all_by_user_id(john.id) # instead of this

@john.documents.find(:all, :conditions=>[“title like ?” “koz”] # use this
Document.find(:all, …) # instead of

#This becomes even easier to read when the search conditions become more elaborate,
#i.e. Find all documents by john tagged with ‘cool’?
#This should be coded as
Document.find(:all, …) #instead of using with now much more conditions .

#Even better add a method explicating the association: john.docouments.taged_with(cool)
#But just use one, don’t repeat yourself.
#You can get fancy you can use assosciation extensions: john.documents.tagged_with(cool).

  1. Dont’ use of !!
    def account_code?
    !! @account_code.nil?
  1. use. More intention revealing
    def account_code?
    @account_code ? true : false
  • Share edit/new form. Don’t build the associations if required in the controller. Move it to a model class method.
def self.build_with_associations

returning new do |billable|
blillable.booking = Book.build_with_assocations

  1. some code omitted…man, the speakers are going to fast for my typing!
  • Simplifying non restfull routes. Use map.with_options. Also format and indent nicely your routes.

Now onto some QA.

Q: Is the code from the code gonna be posted?
A: Yes, on the website.

Q: In the Account code example, could you use @account_code.
A: That would test something different as an empty string would return true. It depends on the requirement.

Q: Guidelines or best practices for overriding to_param?
A: If you want prettier Urls you can provide a to_param. Otherwise don’t bother.

Q: returning?
A: returning passes an object to a block and returns the object.

Q: Cascading validations?
A: Validations can be tricky in that case. They don’t have a best practices to present on that right at this moment. But don’t worry about that too much.

Q: Koz. Can you clarify what’s the context key is (in the routes)?
A: Forces a params[:context] = “www”

Q: How long does it take to do a typical RailsWay articles
A: 1 day or 2. But it depends.

Q: has_many : through. What about multiple : through? I.e. A through B through C through D?
A: I.e. A give me all yours Ds? If you really need it…add a custom method to the top.

Q: Attributes on join tables and conditions? Multiple associations? I.e has_many and has_one_current (through)
A: I.e. document has_many versions, current_version. Implementation doesn’t really matter, but if current_version has business meaning make it an explicit method.

Q: What is your advice on keeping a database column private? I.e. a Model cannot access a column.
A: We don’t see much value in that. Document this to not “touch” this. But try to find a solution. This can be difficult has private methods can be circumvented by send. Just make it explicit.

Q: Final words of wisdom?
A: The RailsWay has been a little quiet, but now that the conference has been wrapping up, we will dive back into it.

Q: How do you answer questions that relate to deprecated features?
A: We try to keep it to Rails 1.2.

JRuby on Rails: A Taste of Honey (for the Enterprise)

by Charles Nutter and Thomas Enebo JRuby Core Developer, Sun Microsystems.

Enterprise can be “doing cool new things and cool new ways”.

  • The talk will cover
    • JRuby 101
    • Justifications
    • JRuby on Rails
    • Deployment Options
    • Migrations
  • They are Java developers (10+ year)
  • Working to build out JVM dynlang support
    *JRuby 101. JRuby is:
    • Ruby (1.8ish)
    • A non-Java language for the Java platform
    • A new way to look at Ruby and the JVM
    • Helping to expand Ruby’s reach
    • Helping the world better unstand Ruby
    • Really Cool
  • JRuby is NOT:
    • An attempts to pollute or fork Ruby
    • An admission that Java sucks
    • The answer to every problem with Ruby
    • An attempt to alter Ruby or add incompatible features
    • Slow
  • But it’s Java, Too

include Java
import java.lang.ArrayList
list = ArrayList.new

  • The rest you know
    • Obvious libraries pre-installed: Rubygems, Rake, Rspect
    • Mongrel supports JRuby (no remote gem)
    • Rails “just works”. Major orgs now investing in JRuby on Rails. Some folks where wondering if they “just” spawn a Ruby process.
  • Justification or “Why would you do such a thing?”
    • Supporting the Status Quo (JRuby supports’ Ruby 1.8’s String)
    • Supports ActiveSupport::MultiByte
    • Exposing Java Unicode
    • Ruby 2.0 String on the way…
  • Threading
    • JRuby supports Ruby’s Thread API
    • JVMs are native-threaded (uses multiple cores)
    • JRuby Supports thread pooling
  • JRuby on Rails the basics
    • Many gems just work
    • Rails commands just work. rails myapp, rake db:migreate
    • jruby script/server #==> WEBBrick
  • Some differences
    • MySQL driver works.
    • JDBC…different and faster. (database.yml needs url: and driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver)
    • JNDI for connection pooling (jndi: java:comp/env/jdbc/MyAppPool)
    • Broad database support (DB2, Derby, HSQLDB, JavaDB, MS Access, Mimer SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL,…and many more)
    • ActiveRecord-JDBC: as no schema management API. MySQL pass 100% of tests, Derby and PostgreSQL have 17 failing tests out of 1000+ tests. Others at varying levels, but coming along. Oracle supports started recently and has less than 100 failed tests for now.
  • Differentiation
    • No Native Extensions. Require ports. Mongrel done, Hpricot done, RMagick in progress. We’re looking for porters and recommendations
    • Command-line Performance. Java is not slow…except at startup. It’s an issue for now. Don’t expect stella CLI performance.
  • Demo
    • Building, running, and deploying a JRuby on Rails application

tar xzf jruby.tar.gz
jruby -v
jruby -S gem rails -y
jruby -S gem install gem_plugin
jruby -S gem install mongrel
jruby -S gem install activerecord-jdbc -y
cp lib/mysql.jar jruby/lib
jruby script/server
if RUBY_PLATFORM =! /java/
require ‘jdbc_driver’ #I missed the proper code!
jruby script/generate migration entry
jruby -S rake db:migrate
# they continue to use the Rails generators and add standard Rails code

cp -rp ../goldspike vendor/plugins jruby -S rake war:standalone:create

# Assemble a .war file that deploys your Rails application as a standard J2EE application.
http://localhost:8080/buggy/entries/list # Rails via J2EE

  • Thanks You..but there is more.
    • There is a new option.
    • jruby -S gem install GlassFish- —no-wrappers
    • glashfish command. Command line to start J2EE server.
  • Migration
    • It can be done!
    • MySQL: works, Dearby/JavaDB: nearly 100%, others…depends.
    • Fixtures: Usually bugs are YAML rather than DB
    • Options: 1) use something else,. 2) Use an equivalent Java library 3) Port the library… 4)5)6) # I missed these
  • Deployment
    • Mongrel
    • More common approach is .war file
    • A Grizzly/GlassFish v3 option.
  • Demo: Calling Java libraries from JRuby
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