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Cairngorm Generators

I looked into Cairngorm a while ago (version 0.95 I believe, pre-ModelLocator area) and didn’t like the fact that you couldn’t use Flex bindings at that time. I recently gave it a second look I liked what I saw. Using Cairngorm is at first very verbose but it provides you with a clear way of organizing your code, which is very beneficial on larger projects. Cairngorm is well documented and there are several nice examples available. Also checkout http://www.cairngormdocs.org/. So yesterday introduced Cairgorm on two Flex projects I am working on.

The first project is a larger Flex 1.5 project (65 actionscript classes, 75 Data transfer object, >100 Mxml views) that I need to migrate to Flex 2.0. I though “great time to start with Cairngorm”. So the first step was to look at all the user gestures for all the screens and create a list of events, map these events to commands, create 3 delegates and services to handle all the remote calls. On paper that was pretty fast to do, but I didn’t want to create all the Cairngorm supporting class by hand. Handily I found the following generator that is a PHP application:


It targets currently only Cairngorm 2.0 and not the newer Cairngorm 2.1. So after generate the supporting classes I had to manually do some changes. But thanks for this tool.

The second project is a smaller Flex application backed by a Ruby on Rails server. And I found the following Ruby on Rails Cairngorm generators at http://code.google.com/p/cairngorm-rails-generator/

Simply copy the generators to your “/vendor/generators” folder, the generators folder will then contain the following generators:


Note there are several places in Rails you can set generators, but that did the trick for me. The I created a “src” folder in my Rails root folder and issues the following commands:

Then you can use these different generator commands to build the structure you require, the events, commands, delegates and more.

./script/generate cairngorm org/onrails/myspyder
./script/generate delegate org/onrails/myspyder server
./script/generate command org/onrails/myspyder show_page_watch server
./script/generate event org/onrails/myspyder show_page_watch

I issued the generate script for each of the commands that application needs to support. The main controller now looks as follows (still very early in the development phase)

package org.onrails.myspyder.control
import com.adobe.cairngorm.control.FrontController;
import com.adobe.cairngorm.control.CairngormEventDispatcher;
import org.onrails.myspyder.control.;
import org.onrails.myspyder.command.

public class MySpyderController extends FrontController
public function MySpyderController()

public function initialiseCommands() : void
// Application Tabs
addCommand( ShowAccountEvent.EVENT_SHOW_ACCOUNT, ShowAccountCommand );
addCommand( ShowPagesEvent.EVENT_SHOW_PAGES, ShowPagesCommand );
addCommand( ShowSettingsEvent.EVENT_SHOW_SETTINGS, ShowSettingsCommand );

// Page List
addCommand( ReloadPagesEvent.EVENT_RELOAD_PAGES, ReloadPagesCommand );
addCommand( AddPageEvent.EVENT_ADD_PAGE, AddPageCommand );
addCommand( ReloadPageEvent.EVENT_RELOAD_PAGE, ReloadPageCommand );
addCommand( RemovePageEvent.EVENT_REMOVE_PAGE, RemovePageCommand );
addCommand( SavePageEvent.EVENT_SAVE_PAGE, SavePageCommand );

// Page Details
addCommand( ShowPageWatchEvent.EVENT_SHOW_PAGE_WATCH, ShowPageWatchCommand );
addCommand( ShowPageWatchResultEvent.EVENT_SHOW_PAGE_WATCH_RESULT, ShowPageWatchResultCommand );

// Html Section
addCommand( ShowOriginalPageEvent.EVENT_SHOW_ORIGINAL_PAGE, ShowOriginalPageCommand );
addCommand( ShowPageSectionEvent.EVENT_SHOW_PAGE_SECTION, ShowPageSectionCommand );
addCommand( SelectPageSectionEvent.EVENT_SELECT_PAGE_SECTION, SelectPageSectionCommand );




Let me know your experience with Flex and Cairngorm.

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