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Part 1: Using WebORB to access ActiveRecords from a Flex application.

On Friday I started for a customer an investigation in providing a Flex front-end for an Ruby on Rails backend using WebORB. In parallel I will push this investigation further for myself in order to find a nice mechanisms to support CRUD operations with relationship support using WebORB. Over the next couple of weeks I will write some of my findings on this blog. So this week-end I started to put in place an environment where I can unit test the interaction between Flex and Ruby on Rails using WebORB. In this first part I will show how to extend WebORB to perform a deep find, how to write a Flex unit test to test asynchronous remote calls, and how to use Ruby on Rails fixtures for the Flex unit tests.

This is an extract of the ‘final’ version of the Flex unit test (as of Part 1 of the article). The full version is at the end of the article.

public function testGetFirstCustomer():void {
var activeRecordService:RemoteObject = getActiveRecordService(onGetFirstCustomerResult);
create_fixtures([“customers”, “addresses”, “orders”, “items”], doGetCustomerFirstCustomer, activeRecordService);
private function doGetCustomerFirstCustomer(activeRecordService:Object):void {
var options:Object = {’include’:[‘bill_to_address’, {’orders’:’items’}]};
activeRecordService.get(“Customer”, 1, options);
private function onGetFirstCustomerResult(event:Event, token:Object=null):void
assertTrue(event.toString(), event is ResultEvent); // First param is message.
var customer:Object = ResultEvent(event).result;
assertEquals(“Daniel”, customer.name);
assertEquals(“Littleton”, customer.bill_to_address.city);
assertEquals(2, customer.orders.length); // 2 order
assertEquals(3, customer.orders0.items.length); // the first has 3 items
assertEquals(“Remote Control”, customer.orders0.items2.product);

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