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Contract to hire UI Designer for Rails Project

No we are not turning into a job board or "placement" company. We are just lucky to work with some pretty brilliant people on some pretty cool Rails project that are taking off. So, one of my customers is looking for a UI and Flash Designer. You can find more info regarding the position here (http://voisen.org/archives/2006/08/28/hiring-ui-and-flash-designer/). You can also find some background and insight on this project here (http://voisen.org/archives/2006/08/28/maestro-documenting-a-web-20-startup/) and here (http://voisen.org/archives/2006/07/19/summer-of-rails/). In brief, it's a pretty cool eLearning project that will really shine through it's content that will be amplified by a discreet and powerful web presence. All that driven and based on Ruby on Rails.

So if you are exceptional UI designer send your resume and portfolio to sean (- at -) eluminate (- dot -) net.

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