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I'd rather be on RAILS.

This statement is pretty true right now, Rails is just a pleasant development environment. Mike Clark left this sticker at my desk at one of the places I am currently doing a Rails project at.

For another client I am doing a Flex project and work with many great java developers. I thought I would put the sticker in a visible spot and see their reactions. Well, it didn’t fail, some of the comments where pretty funny. Here they go:

The “Lenin” one I didn’t totally get, even after a long discussion, but I sounded pretty funny to me. As you see, give me a sticker and will say good things about you. No, that’s not the case, I just think Mike Clark and Dave Thomas are putting a very compelling training together, and with these two guys you will learn more in three days than you would ever in any other places. Check out http://pragmaticstudio.com and their new Rails Studio, coming to Denver in January.

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